About Us
Activity history
This group has been the owner and board of directors of Iran Paraffin Company since 1983 until now. And this new construction unit in west of Tehran has been built with 40 years of experience along with nano technology and with the purpose of producing solid and liquid paraffins.
Production of specialized products including
Light solid paraffin 0 to 0.5% oil light solid paraffin 0.5 to 1% oil-
Heavy solid paraffin 1 to 3% of oil-
Liquid paraffin with sanitary grade-
Liquid paraffin with edible and pharmaceutical grade.-
Production of products according to the customer’s request in a specialized way and based on the customer’s formulation-
Production of special products for ceramic adhesives, agriculture, pharmaceutical and medical industries, cosmetics industries, food industries, etc.-
Special products
Solid paraffin for special grades with zero percent oil. Pharmaceutical and edible grade liquid paraffins- Emulsifying liquid paraffins for various industries
Our products are exported to Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Arab countries and East Asia.
Our products are completely specialized